Pablo Laso has reportedly a deal in place with Bayern Munich / News -
Pablo Laso will be the new coach of Bayern Munich, Marca reports. The Spanish coach has agreed to take over the German club after turning down several...
Pozzecco, Petrucci touch on Banchero's availability for Italy: 'Everything has changed' / News -
Paolo Banchero's ever-growing status has made Gianmarco Pozzecco and Gianni Petrucci pessimistic about the possibility that the 2023 NBA Rookie of The...
Zeljko Obradovic expects Tavares to play, highlights Real Madrid's star-studded roster / News -
Zeljko Obradovic spoke about Partizan's Game 3 against Real Madrid. The Serbian coach referred to the Spanish team's high-quality, stressing that he's...
Chus Mateo senses 'no fear' ahead of Belgrade, thinks Real can turn series around / News -
Chus Mateo appeared confident that Real Madrid will be able to become the first team to make a complete comeback in the EuroLeague playoff series afte...
With Paolo Banchero stalling, what are the other options for Italy? / News -
Until last year, it was almost certain that Paolo Banchero would play with the Italian national team. However, in the last few months, the situation s...
EuroLeague explained why Sergio Llull wasn't sanctioned for Madrid brawl / News -
Even though four players were sanctioned for actively participating in the on-court fights that took place during Real Madrid-Partizan Game 2 in the S...
Sasa Obradovic ahead of Tel Aviv: 'We must be smart enough not to react to provocations' / News -
Monaco coach Sasa Obradovic thinks his players must be mentally strong to endure a wild atmosphere in Tel Aviv, where Maccabi fans will pack the Menor...
Kattash on Game 2 vs. Monaco: 'They came more aggressive and the refs let them play' / News -
Oded Kattash reflected on Maccabi's series against Monaco, naming the factors he thinks will make the difference in Games 3 and 4....
Chris Paul injury: exits Game 2 with groin tightness / News -
Chris Paul jumped for a rebound in the third quarter but immediately collapsed, holding his let groin. He left the game half a minute later. His statu...
Igor Kokoskov and Tiago Splitter leave Brooklyn Nets coaching staff / News -
Kokoskov joined the Nets in 2022, Splitter has been with the franchise since 2019. Both of them will now have to search for new teams....