Lakers tab Tristan Thompson, Shaq Harrison ahead of postseason / News -
The Lakers made two last-minute signings in Tristan Thompson, Shaq Harrison....
Nenad Krstic praises Partizan: 'They play the best basketball in Europe' / News -
Former Partizan big man Nenad Krstic is happy to see his ex-team in the EuroLeague playoffs and thinks they have a great chance to make the Final Four...
Dwane Casey leaves Pistons' head coach position, moves to front office role / News -
After five years on the team's bench, Dwane Casey has concluded his stint with the Detroit Pistons....
Rudy Gobert punches Kyle Anderson during Timberwolves timeout / News -
A rather unusual incident happened during a Minnesota Timberwolves timeout, when Rudy Gobert tossed a punch at Kyle Anderson’s chest....
Gobert-Anderson conflict details revealed / News -
Anderson told Gobert 'Shut the f--k up, bitch' during the verbal altercation which sparked Gobert's violent reaction. During halftime, Anderson said '...
Jaden McDaniels fractures his hand after punching a wall during a game / News -
In frustration with his play, Jaden McDaniels punched a wall while heading to the locker room. The player fractured his right hand with the punch and...
Luka Doncic denies he could request a trade: 'I'm happy here' / News -
Luka Doncic said that he saw the report about the Mavs fearing he could request a trade after the next season but shared that he was happy in the orga...
Shane Larkin and Will Clyburn reportedly refuse to travel with Efes / News -
Shane Larkin and Will Clyburn reportedly refused to travel by bus from Izmir after a loss against Karsiyaka when the team missed the flight back to Is...
Six candidates to replace Stephen Silas as Houston Rockets head coach / News -
Nick Nurse, Kenny Atkinson, Frank Vogel, James Borrego, Adrian Griffin, and Ime Udoka are viewed as candidates to replace Silas in the position....
Stefanos Dedas the leading candidate to coach Hapoel Holon next season / News -
The contract of Guy Goodes ends after the season. If the specialist doesn't remain with the team, Fenerbahce assistant coach Stefanos Dedas is viewed...