Adam Silver reveals how the NBA deals with referees mistakes / News -
Adam Silver said that referees' assignments are affected after crucial mistakes but the league doesn't announce it because it thinks it wouldn't be ap...
LeBron and Giannis will choose All-Star Game reserves before starters / News -
The league will avoid the 'who got picked last' narrative that was prevalent in recent years, especially after Kevin Durant purposefully didn't select...
Mirotic begs for unity, trusts in Barca to win titles / News -
Nikola Mirotic thinks there are still titles to win this season and trusts the process....
EuroLeague names 7 candidates to win the MVP award / News -
Mike James, Mathias Lessort, Johnathan Motley, Kostas Sloukas, Vasilije Micic, Edy Tavares, and Sasha Vezenkov have been named as candidates to win th...
Devon Hall sidelined for extended period due to knee injury / News -
Devon Hall has suffered an osteochondral lesion in his right knee and will be re-evaluated in four weeks....
Matt Thomas and Marius Grigonis to miss the Greek Cup / News -
With Andrew Andrews and Panathinaikos not coming to a mutual agreement, Matt Thomas and Marius Grigonis were excluded from the official list for the G...
Dario Brizuela explains his tears after a win against Barcelona / News -
Dario Brizuela's son was in intensive care last week. The player felt a huge relief after having one of the better performances of his life and knocki...
Kevin Durant jokes about the Nets big three with Harden and Irving / News -
Kevin Durant joked that it was amazing basketball when the trio of him, Harden, and Irving played together but it said it was only 17 games. The three...
Kyle Guy, Henry Ellenson break down similar paths that crossed in Badalona / News -
Kyle Guy and Henry Ellenson join BasketNews to discuss their career paths that eventually met in Spain and Joventut Badalona, as the Catalans strive f...
Peja Stojakovic's son Andrej intends to represent Greece / News -
"I'm looking forward to getting out there and representing Sacramento and Greece. I'm super excited," Andrej Stojakovic said as he was presented with...