Maxi Kleber to return after All-Star break / News -
Maxi Kleber expects to be ready to play after the All-Star break....
Mavericks look to move JaVale McGee / News -
JaVale McGee could end up on the move ahead of the Feb. 9 trade deadline....
Nets not planning to trade Kevin Durant before deadline / News -
Kevin Durant to stay with the Brooklyn Nets for at least until the summer.Durant had an interest in a deal with the Suns over the summer, but so far t...
Kings to acquire Kessler Edwards / News -
Sacramento Kings are close to acquiring Kessler Edwards....
Kyrie Irving says he felt really disrespected in Nets at times / News -
Kyrie Irving wants to be somewhere where he is celebrated, not just tolerated. He believes Dallas is the right place for that....
Jason Kidd on Doncic-Irving partnership: 'This is Luka's team' / News -
Jason Kidd describes Dallas Mavericks as Luka Doncic's team despite the arrival of Kyrie Irving....
LeBron James breaks Kareem Abdul-Jabbar's NBA all-time scoring record / News -
LeBron James became the NBA's top-scorer of all time after breaking the scoring record by Kareem Abdul Jabbar. LeBron scored 36th point vs. Oklahoma C...
LeBron James reacts to becoming NBA's top scorer of all time / News -
LeBron James thanked his family and others after becoming the NBA's top scorer of all time....
LeBron James answers if he's GOAT after becoming NBA's top scorer / News -
After passing Kareem Abdul-Jabbar as NBA's top scorer, LeBron James said that he will let everyone else talk about whether he's the GOAT, adding that...
NBA stars react as LeBron James becomes NBA scoring leader / News -
Kevin Durant, Magic Johnson, Dirk Nowitzki, Stephen Curry, Chris Paul, Manu Ginobili, and other NBA stars reacted to the news of LeBron James becoming...