Scariolo reveals Kawhi Leonard didn't talk with him in his first months in Toronto / News -
Sergio Scariolo revealed that during the first months with the Toronto Raptors, Kawhi Leonard didn't even say 'Hi' to him....
Zaire Wade: Dwyane Wade's son says he's open to an offer from Europe / News -
Zaire Wade, the son of Dwyane Wade, admitted he thinks about playing in Europe and would be open to an offer....
Mantas Kalnietis retires / News -
Mantas Kalnietis announces retirement at the age of 36....
EuroLeague registers all-time attendance, competitiveness records at mid-season / News -
EuroLeague announces the highest average in-arena attendance ever: 8,810 spectators per game....
USA, Slovenia, and Spain will reportedly play each other in Malaga / News -
Team USA, Slovenia, and Spain will reportedly take part in a friendly tournament in August....
D.J. Seeley returns to Bayern / News -
Seeley represented Bayern from December 2020 to August 2021....
Zvezda president accuses Partizan's GM for suing Red Star in EuroLeague / News -
Nebojsa Covic said that everything is being done to remove Red Star from the first place: "Zoran Savic is suing Zvezda in the EuroLeague, and he is tr...
BBC to broadcast nine NBA games live in UK / News -
BBC will start broadcasting NBA games live, beginning with the NBA Paris Game 2023 between the Chicago Bulls and Detroit Pistons....
Wade Baldwin cites reasons for changing teams, addresses 'bad guy' reputation / News -
Wade Baldwin sat with BasketNews for an all-encompassing discussion on Maccabi, his struggling days at Olympiacos, and personal highs with Bayern and...
Nikola Ivanovic to play vs. Zalgiris / News -
Nikola Ivanovic has been training with the team for several days now, and he is traveling to Kaunas....