Nick Nurse tricks referees into making an awful call on the court / News -
Pascal Siakam threw the ball out of bounds during a fast break. After initially ruling the episode correctly, the refereeing crew overturned the decis...
Luka Doncic ends the trademark battle with his mother Mirjam Poterbin / News -
On December 5th, Luka Doncic terminated the petition that sought the cancellation of the "Luka Doncic 7" trademark that is currently being held by his...
Tommaso Baldasso suffers a hand injury, return timeline unclear / News -
Tommaso Baldasso suffered a fracture of the third metacarpal bone of his right hand. The player will be re-evaluated in the upcoming days to determine...
Monaco and Partizan reportedly interested in signing Chima Moneke / News -
The negotiations between the two sides are not advanced at the moment, BasketNews sources have told....
Ghosts of EuroBasket: this season's EuroLeague officiating asks for improvement / News -
BasketNews Daily Writer Pijus Sapetka reviews the most debatable officiating mistakes in the first 17 EuroLeague rounds, providing possible solutions...
Jalen Adams pushed Hapoel Haifa's chairman in the face after controversial call / News -
Roman Sorkin's blocked dunk attempt sparked fiery reactions from Hapoel Haifa coaching staff after a controversial decision by the officials. Maccabi...
Panathinaikos prepare to sue the Greek government over OAKA transfer / News -
Panathinaikos were initially promised full commercial use of the entire OAKA complex but the law has since been changed. The club now accuses the Gree...
Dwayne Bacon returns, but two players might be out when PAO host Fenerbahce / News -
Dwayne Bacon and Panagiotis Kalaitzakis will be available for Panathinaikos' game vs. Fenerbahce, whereas Paris Lee and Lefteris Bochoridis are questi...
Gabriel Deck to miss double week / News -
Deck has a significant strain on his right leg's hamstring....
Argentina supports Campazzo, EuroLeague makes 'FreeFacu' error on social media / News -
EuroLeague social media moderators posted an Instagram story with the 'FreeFacu' hashtag....