FIBA ranking: Spains claims no. 1 spot / News -
Spain took over the USA in the latest FIBA ranking, claiming the no. 1 spot from the Americans....
'We're not moving forward': Marius Grigonis and Arturas Gudaitis address PAO's issues / News -
Marius Grigonis and Arturas Gudaitis, Panathinaikos Athens' Lithuanian duo, talk to BasketNews about why their team hasn't been able to rack up more t...
Atlanta Hawks having discussions about trading John Collins / News -
With Phoenix Suns being looked at as a possible suitor, Collins' 5-year $125 million contract might make things difficult for other NBA teams....
New York Knicks looking to deal away two guards / News -
Credit: 2021 Getty Images-SCANPIX...
EuroLeague Round 8: Panathinaikos and Olimpia lose, Partizan win again / News -
4 matches are scheduled on the second day of EuroLeague's Round 8....
Marius Grigonis exits the game vs Fenerbahce due to injury / News -
Grigonis felt discomfort in his back and left the game in the second quarter....
Fenerbahce blow out Panathinaikos as Grigonis exits with injury / News -
Marius Grigonis left the game with back discomfort and did not come back. Meanwhile, Nigel Hayes-Davis recorded his highest PIR mark of the season....
Nemanja Bjelica's return prolonged by at least a month / News -
Nemanja Bjelica hasn't recovered from the calf injury he suffered in August and will be out for at least a month, assistant coach Stefanos Dedas told....
Itoudis reacts to Jasikevicius and Efes coaching staff conflict: 'We'll find the solution' / News -
The president of the EuroLeague head coaches board Dimitris Itoudis said he didn't have a chance to talk with Sarunas Jasikevicius and Anadolu Efes Is...