Basketball world reacts to Luka Doncic's historic EuroBasket match / News -
Luka Doncic's 47-point performance against France dazzled the basketball world with players and leagues alike admiring his game....
Luka Doncic fights a trademark control battle with his mother / News -
Luka Doncic is trying to revoke control of the trademark "Luka Doncic 7" from his mother Mirjam Poterbin. The player has filed a petition with the US...
Luka Doncic's mother responds: 'They want to take advantage of my son' / News -
Luka Doncic is trying to revoke control of the trademark "Luka Doncic 7" from his mother Mirjam Poterbin. She claims that the people want complete con...
Jusuf Nurkic: 'What's the point if four players sleep in one bed?' / News -
Jusuf Nurkic thanked every single teammate after losing to Lithuania. The center also bashed the situation the national team was in before EuroBasket...
Svetislav Pesic hints at Milutinov's start, provides update on Nedovic / News -
Serbia's head coach Svetislav Pesic hopes that Nikola Milutinov will play his first minutes in EuroBasket 2022 against Poland. Nemanja Nedovic injured...
Czech coach Ginzburg goes against his home country: 'It will be more emotional' / News -
Czech Republic's head coach Ronen Ginzburg was born in Israel but accepted Czech citizenship in 2020, and is now leading the national team to a playof...
No TV broadcast of Great Britain's EuroBasket games in the UK - Does anyone care? / News -
BasketNews attempts to explore the peculiar status of basketball in the UK through the views of several members of the Great Britain squad that partic...
EuroBasket playoff scenarios for teams from Groups C and D / News -
Teams from EuroBasket groups C and D will play their last games in the group stage today. BasketNews takes a look at the possible playoff scenarios fo...
EuroBasket 2022 live, Day 8: Jokic's Serbia and Giannis' Greece top their groups / News -
Teams from Groups C and D battle on the last day of the group stage in EuroBasket 2022. Israel and the Czech Republic will square off for the last spo...
Ataman angry at playing time vs France: 'It's a great disrespect' / News -
Ergin Ataman bashed FIBA for their decision to schedule Turkey's match against France at 12:00 CET on Saturday. He believes there are deeper motives b...